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In order to be a number member, one of these conditions is required:

  • have a noble title of the Kingdom of Spain "Título del Reino con Solar" in Cantabria

  • prove nobility of the lineage in the paternal surname, at least, either with full proof or three positive acts in three generations

  • being a knight, having proven nobility, of any of the noble orders or corporations recognized by our statutes and organic regulations that develop and clarify them

  • or, to hold the dignities of personal nobility that our standards collect

If any of these conditions are met, the entry form can be requested and presented in full, once it is studied, the Governing Board (Junta de Gobierno) will approve the entry prior to payment of the social admission fee.

Holders of the noble titles of the Kingdom of Spain and members of the "Grandeza de España" have direct income in our corporation, the rest of the applicants of membership must also complete a one year of probation ("trial period") that guarantees that their personal behavior is that which corresponds to the dignity of their nobility. 

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